PUTRAJAYA: Lebih 300,000 pesara dan penerima pencen kerajaan akan menikmati kenaikan pencen masing-masing mulai 1 Januari ini.
Pengarah Bahagian Pasca Perkhidmatan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), Datuk Yeow Chin Keong, berkata pembayaran itu membabitkan bayaran tambahan sebanyak RM1.3 bilion menjadikan keseluruhan bayaran pencen RM9 bilion.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
300,000 pesara nikmati kenaikan pencen 1 Januari
Lost Cities
Nimrud and the Assyrian Empire declined rapidly around 612 B.C., after Nimrud's sister city, Nineveh, fell to the Babylonians.
The ancient city of Persepolis in modern-day Iran was one of four capitals of the sprawling Persian Empire. Built beginning around 520 B.C., the city was a showcase for the empire's staggering wealth, with grand architecture, extravagant works of silver and gold, and extensive relief sculptures such as this one portraying envoys with offerings for the king.
The height of Persian rule lasted from about 550 B.C. until 330 B.C., when Alexander the Great overthrew the ruling Archaemenid dynasty and burned Persepolis to the ground.
More than 600 cliff dwellings made by the ancestral Pueblo people, also known as the Anasazi, are scattered throughout Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado (shown here).
The Anasazi arrived in the region as early as A.D. 550, building their homes and cultivating crops on the soaring mesa tops. Around 1150, though, they began to move their dwellings to the alcoves within the canyon walls. Most houses were quite small, but a few reached enormous proportions, housing up 250 people.
“They will never know… hehehe!”
Ni satu gambar yg sangat menarik yg baru saya jumpa…
“A picture speaks a thousand words” - Itulah yg dapat saya katakan bila terlihat gambar ni! Tengok pada wajah dan ekspresi budak ni pastinya akan menimbulkan seribu satu macam cerita tentang apa sebenarnya yg berlaku…
Seperti juga sewaktu menghasilkan kartun dan komik, kartunis atau pelukis komik harus memastikan imej yg dilukis dapat menyampaikan mesej mereka.
Dialog di dalam komik hanya untuk membantu pembaca lebih memahami apa yg cuba disampaikan. Komik atau kartun yg BAGUS adalah yg hanya menggunakan dialog yg sedikit atau ringkas sahaja… Pembaca dapat memahami jalan cerita dengan hanya melihat pada lukisan sahaja… atau dalam kata lain - “Let the pictures tell the story…”
Berbalik semula kepada gambar di atas, bolehkah korang huraikan apakah yg sedang berlaku sebenarnya?
Apakah yg telah terjadi?
Adakah gambar ini memberi seribu makna atau seribu cerita kepada korang?
Hanya isikan pendapat dan pandangan bernas korang mengenai gambar di atas pada ruangan komen di bawah ini…
“Hehehe… I think you all will never know!”
banyak kesimpulan berkenaan gambo d atas:
1. girl tuh senyum sbb berjaya d selamatkn, atau
2. umh tuh dia yg bakor, atau
3. umh tuh trbakar sndiri, atau
4. girl tuh seronok org amik gmbo dia bukan fokus pd umh tuh, atau
5. girl tuh salah sorg ahli stunt utk movie yg terselit bab2 bakor nih, atau
6. bomba2 yg dtg x bley padamkn api sbb air xde (xde pancutan air pon), atau
7. girl tuh seronok lps nih dpt le dia n fmily dpt umh baru.. atau
8. girl tuh bakar umh jiran dia sbb jiran suka dengki sgt pd dia sbb girl nih comei tersangat2..
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Radhi OAG: Pakai Songkok Nampak Pusat
Songkok sinonim dengan masyarakat melayu,tetapi adakah ianya sinonim dengan Radhi OAG dalam persembahan beliau di konsert Rock The World 8 di’lihat sebagai tidak wajar kerana dalam masa yang sama menunjukkan pusat yang mana adalah aurat bagi lelaki.
Cinta Terhalang Kefli & Marsha
Menurut mereka, nak sangat kahwin dan umumkan kepada khalayak yang mereka benar2 nak bersatu...
Tapi disebabkan status Marsha yang beragama Kristian, mereka takut ditentang keras oleh keluarga Marsha...
Marsha sendiri memang nak Kefli, tapi apakan daya...

The Hajj and Eid al-Adha
Muslim pilgrims perform the "Tawaf" ritual around the Kaaba at Mecca's Grand Mosque before leaving the holy Saudi city at the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage on December 10, 2008. The official Saudi News Agency (SPA) reported that the most recent statistics put the total number of pilgrims this year at more than 2.4 million, almost 1.73 million from abroad and 679,000 from within the kingdom, mostly foreign residents.
Tens of thousands of Muslim pilgrims move around the Kaaba, the black cube seen at center, inside the Grand Mosque, during the annual Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2008.
Muslim pilgrims pray in a circle around the Kaaba inside the Grand mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Friday, Dec. 5, 2008.
A Saudi policeman monitors screens connected to cameras set up at all holy places in Mina near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2008, during the annual Hajj.
Muslim pilgrims are seen inside a building where, for three days, they will cast stones at pillars symbolising Satan in Mina, Saudi Arabia on December 9, 2008. More than two million Muslim pilgrims performed a second round of stoning walls symbolising the devil on Tuesday, as Hajj pilgrimage rituals neared their end.
Thousands of Muslim pilgrims cast stones at a pillar, symbolising stoning Satan, in a ritual called "Jamarat," the last and most dangerous rite of the annual hajj, near the Saudi holy city of Mina on December 8, 2008. To complete the ritual, a pilgrim must throw 21 pebbles at each of three 25-meter (82-foot) pillars and this year the faithful are being given pebbles in pre-packed bags to spare them the effort of searching for the stones.
A Saudi worker sews Islamic calligraphy in gold thread on a drape to cover the Kaaba at the Kiswa factory in the holy city of Mecca on November 29, 2008. The Kaaba cover is called Kiswa and is changed every year at the culmination of the annual Hajj or pilgrimage. The Kaaba, Islam's holiest site which stands in the centre of Mecca's Grand Mosque, contains the holy Black Stone which is believed to be the only piece remaining from an altar built by Abraham.
Thousands of tents housing Muslim pilgrims are crowded together in Mina near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2008.
Muslim pilgrims shave their heads after casting stones at a pillar symbolizing Satan in Mina, Saudi Arabia on December 8, 2008.
An aerial view of Muslim pilgrims atop Mount Mercy outside Mecca, Saudi Arabia on December 7, 2008. From this hill, the Prophet Muhammad delivered his final sermon nearly 1,400 years ago.